September 27th 2019, 8pm Est. - Join us for our annual Canadian Halloween celebration. For those who don't know what the frick Canadian Halloween is, basically we dress up in costumes (either a try-hard costume or a bad-last-minute put together costume), a month before real (American) Halloween, hang out on discord video chat for a bit, then play some fun and or scaresome games as a group.
Part 1: Costumes & Video Chat
Part 2: Killing Floor 2, Witch It!, Minecraft, Golf With Friends*, Tabletop Simulator*
* = might be played
Also FYI:
-> We started playing Minecraft again on the Java version, join ip: kingdomspvp.net
-> Join our discord: https://discord.thewarclan.com/
-> Need a forum account? Message me on Steam, Discord, or Teamspeak