News and Announcements

Domain name has been moved over.

by Satros Leader Oct. 13, 2013

The domain "" has been moved from our old forum to this new website. The old forums have been archived at There is a link to these archives on the home page of the new site, so you can go back and look at them whenever you want.

The transition to the new site is now complete, now we just need everyone to sign up at these new forums.

10 Years at War.

by Satros Leader Oct. 9, 2013

Greetings my friends,

On September 29th, 2003 I created WaR. It's been 10 long years since then. We have seen many come and go, others return after long absences, and have met new friends along the way. I'm sure for many of us, WaR was, or still is, a big part of life and who we are. I'm certain that even many of those who don't come around as often these days, still consider themselves a WaR member at heart and always will. I just want to say, thank you all for making it a great, fun, and hilarious 10 years! You really are all like family to me. I hope WaR has given you the entertaining times, friendships, and sense of belonging it did for me.

Here's to another 10 years!

Now I have some plans and changes.


As many of you know, War forums have been a ghost town as of late. We are around still. I talk to many of you weekly. The thing is we do most of our communicating with each other either through steam chat or Teamspeak these days. We also find most of our funny pics and videos through Facebook or Reddit. Things we use to use the forum for a lot, are being replaced. We also grew up, people have less time, I understand that.

I think the forums still have a place in WaR, we still need a website, a home base, but I don't think it needs to be as big of a focus. I also think, that a forum isn't enough, there needs to be more reasons to come here than to just read the forum. After looking at some of the platforms available, I have decided to retire these forums that have been running since 2006 and switch us over to ENJIN. These forums will be archived somewhere, so we can always look back if we want, but posting will be disabled.

We will move to a new website and forum system over at
Please make an account there and join our website. When I have time, I will be transferring our domain there too, so is used instead of that longer link.

The ENJIN system gives us many new features including:
-Full Website
-Live Chat
-Profile page, wall, friends list
-Teamspeak Status
-Mobile phone support
& more!

Using this system also takes a lot of effort off my hands, I don't have to worry about programming, or servers, or themes, all that can be easily switched with their interface.


While our old system created a strong sense of community, it doesn't work for us anymore. So I have decided to change up the system. We will now have 3 ranks, Leader (me), High Council, and Legionnaire. All 3 will be considered full War members. Any WaR member who is currently active, or has been a big part of WaR in the past will be a "High Council" member. Any new additions to High Council will have to pass similar to requirements as you do for joining our clan currently, posting on the forum and getting voted in. Legionnaire will be a more relaxed membership to our clan. All you have to do is apply and myself, or another trusted member will approve or deny membership. This way we will be able to recruit anyone who seems cool very easily, and they will be full members with us, but we will still be able to keep that strong core of war intact through the high council.

In Conclusion:

  1. I love you guys, u r my bruh.
  2. New forum/website, sign up and join it at
  3. will point to new website in a few days, old forum will be archived somewhere.
  4. War members are now "High Council" and recruiting requirements are now relaxed.

Supreme Leader Satros

Converting our forums

by Satros Leader April 7, 2013

I'm converting our forums to a new type of forum. So expect some weirdness around here the next week or so.