Forum / Workshop / War Teams v2

War Teams v2

Ok so some of the ideas and requirements have changed for the plugin. Right now essentially all the plugin will do is help manage players in a team.


/team create //Creates a new team with the creator as the leader
/team invite //invites a player to a team
/team accept //Accepts the most recent invite.
/team reject //rejects most recent invite.
/t //sends a message to the whole team
/t //sends a message to all people in the team of that rank number.
/team list //outputs detailed info in chat on ranks and a teams' players
/team kick //kicks a player off a team
/team disband //disbands a team

all team data will be encapsulated within the team class
im also planning a rank system it will work like this:
/team createrank //creates a new rank under the current bottom rank
/team rankname //changes the name of a rank

For promoting and demoting:
/team rankmove //moves person into a new rank
/team rankmoveall //moves all people in this old rank to the new rank

The data will be stored in a flat file, read in at start.



Got the Team, TeamPlayer, and Rank classes built.
Testing of classes tomorrow.

Progress Update:
Tested and cleaned up Team, TeamPlayer, and Rank classes.
Add them and put them into the Plugin's package.
Found out what functions I'll need and how to use them
Figure-out how I want to store player data.

Tomorrow I will implement a data structure for storing player data and start implementing commands :)

Got the first command working :D

Satros wrote:
Got the first command working :D


[s]/team create [/s]
[s]/team invite [/s]
[s]/team accept[/s]
[s]/team reject[/s] *Probably works, need to test.
[s]/team info[/s]
/team kick
/team disband //disbands a team

/team createrank
/team rankname
/team setrank
/team rankmoveall
/team rankflag

What is done and what isn't.

Satros wrote:


[s]/team create [/s]
[s]/team invite [/s]
[s]/team accept[/s]
[s]/team reject[/s] Probably works, need to test.
[s]/team info[/s]
[s]/team kick [/s]
Probably works, need to test.
[s]/team disband[/s] *Probably works, need to test.

/team createrank
/team rankname
/team setrank
/team rankmoveall
/team rankflag

What is done and what isn't.

[s]/team create [/s]
[s]/team invite [/s]
[s]/team accept[/s]
[s]/team reject[/s]
[s]/t [/s]
[s]/team info[/s]
[s]/team disband[/s]
[s]/team rankcreate [/s]
[s]/team rankname [/s]
[s]/team setrank
/team rankmoveall [/s]

Needs Fixing:
/team leave
/team kick

Needs Testing:
/team rankflag
/team list
/team info
/team rankinfo
/team rankdelete

Needs Implementing:
/team tag
*Player tags in chat

Will be added later:
/team color
/team watch
*player colors in chat

[s]/team create [/s]
[s]/team invite [/s]
[s]/team accept[/s]
[s]/team reject[/s]
[s]/t [/s]
[s]/team info[/s]
[s]/team disband[/s]
[s]/team rankcreate [/s]
[s]/team rankname [/s]
[s]/team setrank
/team rankmoveall [/s]
[s]/team list[/s]
[s]/team info [/s]
[s]/team leave[/s]
[s]/team rankflag [/s]
[s]/team tag [/s]
[s]/team rankinfo [/s]
[s]/team kick [/s]
[s]*Player tags in chat & player colors in chat[/s]
[s]/team rankdelete [/s]
[s]/team color [/s]

Needs Fixing:

Needs More Testing:

Needs Implementing:
*save to file, will do when everything is done, testing is easier without it

Will be added later:
/team watch

Pretty much ready to release, just need to make sure that one problem has been fixed (need bporr to help test for that).