The AK-47!
Forum / Workshop / War Clan Trading Cards
War Clan Trading Cards
The panzerfaust..
The zweihander!
An abomination from hellHumpy the cat.
can induce the GAY status effect.
wtf lol
Cecil wrote:
The deadly arch vile!
Lol i remember him From doom 2 I still got that game that would be fun to play over the net if ican ever find out how to
dude doom 2 kicks fucking ass!
and you can play it over the net with a mod called Zdoom!
just tip in the Ip of the guy hosting the server.
Cecil wrote:
dude doom 2 kicks fucking ass!
and you can play it over the net with a mod called Zdoom!
just tip in the Ip of the guy hosting the server.
Well we need to get WAR on this shit plus it doesnt take up alot of space on your hard drive neither
omg you still got doom 2 wow i remember those days we played it at your house we'd always get to the last level and just run away from the boss.what was his name uhGrasse or somethin like that but man those were the days
I have doom, doom 2, and final doom
damn then cecil we need to host a server one day and play doom
I found another mod for doom, called Zdaemon, this one actually shows a server list, it kicks even more ass!
Cecil wrote:
I found another mod for doom, called Zdaemon, this one actually shows a server list, it kicks even more ass!
k ima check that shit out now
Hey, I can't remember seeing any new cards lately
shh, lol
im taking a break so i can think up some ideas and make a good next batch of cards
Satros wrote:
shh, lolim taking a break so i can think up some ideas and make a good next batch of cards
With some of the ones u made already make a fusion team with each card like pair some of them together to make a powerful attack
Or finish off the rest of the members
Staticgirl wrote:
Or finish off the rest of the members
nah the rest would be kinda gay so we must move on to the next best thing for the cards and thats upgrade