Forum / Workshop / Poetry i made when i was 14

Poetry i made when i was 14

*Falling back to the same thing,
Falling back to you again,
Falling back to where I was,
Falling back just because.

Every time I come this far,
All I see is who you are,
You lied too, to get me here,
Again I fall too far,
Fall away from who I am,
Let your knife find its slot amidst my back,
Loving, Fighting, Mending broken ends,
My love for you blinds me again,
I clear my eyes of blue stained tears,
As my heart sears with worries and fears,
I have been here before,
Lost in your eyes,
As you settle the score,

Falling back to the same thing as before,
Falling back to you again,
Falling back to where I was,
Falling back to who I am,

Can you see me for what I really am,
Or do you see a person you can bend,
To you I am simply a pawn in play,
But you and I are fated for a different game,
The question remains along with the blame,
I have come to prove the person I can never be,
A blindfolded spirit tied down with shame,
Doomed to repeat the mistakes I have made,
Screaming for justice in a life rancid with blame,
You have broken my heart and left me to die,
But you cannot kill a spirit that was never alive.

aww !! aw i really like thiss , especially the last verse. =]