Forum / News and Announcements / School Starting Again

School Starting Again

Expect this place to slow down a bit again, schools starting, everyones gunna be busy for awhile. But have no doubts, War clan never dies. War sleeps, and right when you think it has disappeared it leaps back up at full force.

Expect some more cool changes or things around here later on.

Also expect war to be very active again once games like


come out, were gunna be alive as fuck, so get ready.

Just some news for you guys.


Staticgirl wrote:

why are you smiling? :d

i hate school

Yep School sucks, but hey
:) Smiling is good.

Oh, and I probably won't be playing any of those games.

Kitellia wrote:
Yep School sucks, but hey
:) Smiling is good.

Oh, and I probably won't be playing any of those games.

cause your ghey!

< no school
< no work
< im broke <,<
< geek

bPORR{{WaR}} wrote:

Kitellia wrote:
Yep School sucks, but hey
:) Smiling is good.

Oh, and I probably won't be playing any of those games.

cause i'm ghey!


Kitellia wrote:

bPORR{{WaR}} wrote:

Kitellia wrote:
Yep School sucks, but hey
:) Smiling is good.

Oh, and I probably won't be playing any of those games.

cause i'm ghey!


haha owned

i lol'd

I'm smiling because its not really school to me..
its fucking daycare..
My classes are so easy its rediculous.

Ceramics 1
Drawing 1
Tech center (2 hour graphic design class) And i love this class..

Tell me.. wouldn't you be smiling? :]

Staticgirl wrote:
I'm smiling because its not really school to me..
its fucking daycare..
My classes are so easy its rediculous.

Ceramics 1
Drawing 1
Tech center (2 hour graphic design class) And i love this class..

Tell me.. wouldn't you be smiling? :]

ooh nice :P

I wish we could do that too

lol im taking managerial accounting, marketing, statistics (with this fruity guy who looks like jeff foxworthy), computer applications, and microeconomics.

yeah fuck you guys.

Gen Physics II CalcBased
Calculus II
Comp Sys II:Arch &Prog

oh and
Intro To Musical Theater


Satros wrote:
Intro To Musical Theater

this yehhhhh haha

bPORR{{WaR}} wrote:

Satros wrote:
Intro To Musical Theater

this yehhhhh haha

lol no homo, all you do is watch movies and theres no work just 4 tests

school just started today :[

now im gonna spend all my day doing homeworks and learning shits

School is over rated D:
There's 9 people in my math/science classes :(
49 and 70 In my other two classes..

Schools gheyyy