Forum / News and Announcements / Sadface.


So I guess I won't be around so much I mean even less than I'm around you guys as it is  :rolleyes:
No pc for a while it went boom :huh:
Until then I'll be on xbox live every day for most of the time I am awake.

my computer sucks, so i think in some time will go boom too

Yay! :) Lets party, Wick is gone >=)

Kitellia wrote:
Yay! :) Lets party, Wick is gone >=)

haha you don't like Wick?

Hf man!

Everyone loves Wick.

Rose wrote:
Everyone loves Wick.

then why kittie wants to party because he's gone?

Maybe it was a joke?

Nossida wrote:
Maybe it was a joke?

ya .. maybe

Kittie was just throwing a party cause I'm back now. ;)
Back to sitting back and watching you all from a far

Wicked wrote:
Kittie was just throwing a party cause I'm back now. ;)
Back to sitting back and watching you all from a far

actually she said to party because u were gone.

Ugh, you all take things too seriously :p
Did you not even consider i meant, something like a surprise party for when he comes back? >.> lol
Wick is cool, you'd have to be weird to hate him



Kitellia wrote:
Ugh, you all take things too seriously :p
Did you not even consider i meant, something like a surprise party for when he comes back? >.> lol
Wick is cool, you'd have to be weird to hate him

did i say i hate him? no.  :P