Forum / News and Announcements / Merry Warmas 2013!!

Merry Warmas 2013!!

I hope all the little boys and girls of {{WaR}} have a happy Warmas!

Just so everyone knows, we will be playing Warmas games the weekend of Jan 3rd - Jan 4th. Most likely Killing Floor, Chivalry, Dota 2, and other classics (UT2k4 match?).

Hope you can all come so we can do some classic war clan shenanigans.

ALSO: Satrosclaus will be sending out some extra steam games that he has left on his account for years, so if you have been good this year, you might find something in your steam inventory ;)

We also have a new Minecraft server now! Read more here:

From the Archive:
(need to reupload the pictures for the night before warmas :()

The Legend of Warmas:

2k8 Rune Warmas Map:

Sent out what I had in my steam inventory. I have a few steam games from my humble bundlles to give out too, but I cant send them directly to steam accounts.

I am free that weekend! I shall be joining in on the Warmas festivities, and drunken gaming. :)

Or, at least, I assume the gaming to be at least somewhat drunken..

Of course! There shall be much merriment.

Should be free unless something comes up.

As long as some Rune jump maps are in the mix then I'm very game.

G-Bombz wrote:
As long as some Rune jump maps are in the mix then I'm very game.

Everest Map - Drink every time you fall and die

gg hospitalized


Just Cause 2 is on sale today for only $2.99, they recently came out with a multiplayer mod that everyone is ranting and raving about, think basically a large gta on an island. I suggest everyone picks it up for Warmas because we will probably play it.

I probably won't be able to join tomorrow night.. :/ Saturday night I can though!

Kitellia wrote:
I probably won't be able to join tomorrow night.. :/ Saturday night I can though!

I think Saturday night will be the main event, we will still play a few games on Friday though. No worries.

Lets seem, possible games we could be playing:

Killing Floor, Chivalry:MW, Rune:HOV, UT2k4, Just Cause 2, Dota 2, Minecraft

My guess is we would save Killing Floor and Rune, and possibly one more for Saturday.

(Install ahead of time!)

Sounds like a good time.