Forum / News and Announcements / Fall Cleaning & Some Other Things.

Fall Cleaning & Some Other Things.

You will notice the forum has been sliced down a bit and cleaned up.

All Temple of knowledge posts have been merged to one board.

VIP no longer exsists, the new term will be "WaR Friend" meaning your a friend of the clan and always welcomed here.

In addition to this I will now be providing webspace to any war member who wishes. I will be nice and give you 500mb of space.

WaR Webspace Rules:
-No Uploading Illegal Things
-No Uploading PHP Spammers, Phishers, or anything that could get my server reported for.
You can use it for whatever you want as long as it isnt illegal.

If you need a mysql database I can set one up for you. The same with blogs/image galleries/content systems,etc) Just ask.

PM me with what you want your domain name to be.
(For Example:
Id perfer if you used your war username, however if you want it for something else then ask.


ooo sounds awesome!

I want one! >=(
yet I'd be to lazy, and forget about it after the first two hours :P

But sounds good.
"War Friend" Doesn't sound as special as VIP though :(

Kitellia wrote:
ooo sounds awesome!

I want one! >=(
yet I'd be to lazy, and forget about it after the first two hours :P

But sounds good.
"War Friend" Doesn't sound as special as VIP though :(

well its nice to have if you want it, i set nodoka's up today check it out


since we cant put up porn i think ive run out of ideas..

Staticgirl wrote:

since we cant put up porn i think ive run out of ideas..

i feel you on that one bro.its like wtf am i supposed to do with one of these now

ThuGG wrote:

Staticgirl wrote:

since we cant put up porn i think ive run out of ideas..

i feel you on that one sis .its like wtf am i supposed to do with one of these now

home movies no what im saayinnnnnnn?

andddd fix'd

Staticgirl wrote:

ThuGG wrote:

someones adopted.

You mean Frand.