Forum / News and Announcements / Epic Troll 2010: Sadosi

Epic Troll 2010: Sadosi

Sadosi for your epic trolling in teamspeak tonight I award you with the OFFICIAL Epic Troll Award 2010.

You can put it in your sig if you wish :P.


Yo, Sadosi, I'm very happy for you and Imma let you finish but this guy is one of the best trolls ever..
And yo, Satros, I'm very happy for you and Imma let you finish (And I don't intend to steal Sado's trophy) but can't we make contests for stuff like this in the future?

sure sounds good :P

ps: fuck i just got trololololo'd


Why is Kar never on TS when I am? :(

apparently good times are had by all >____X