This game is pretty cash. Its a MMO, but its not like point and click its like badass hack and slash. Me and Kittie played it for like 5 hrs today. I don't really get the story or anything, but the fighting is defiantly fun.
We play on the East server.
Heres some gameplay footage I took of me and kittie battling some monsters and a boss. I don't know how but Kittie never gets hurtmaybe I just suck.
Also look at like 3:50 for when I pick up a bad guy and slam him to the ground like a boss. :fuckyea:
Heres another vid of not us i found on youtube:
Satros: Satrosian
Kittie: Kittellia
Wicked: DravenFraust
TheFinisher: TheFinisher
Squid Rofel: SquidRofel