Forum / Gaming Discussion / Regnum Online

Regnum Online

Seems pretty damn cool, i've been playing it alot recently. It's kinda like a low end version of Guild Wars, with some Capture the fort style of gameplay.
It's got the usual player versus monster and pvp and shit, and it's pretty cool, should try it m'kay.

looks nice ima try it out

oh yeah i forgot to mention, when you create and account and just start it up, choose the Syrtia or however the hell you spell it realm, cant miss it, it's a green shield. That way we don't end up on the wrong side of each other's blades >.> Also, my character name is Cezul, add me :P

Here's some screenies

im downloading the game now

i love the goddamm orc!


D3DX9_31.dll not found, Direct3D support is not available.

Please download latest installer from Regnun Online website.

why i keep getting this? i dl the last installer and reinstall my game over and over and the same happens

Seems like something to do with your graphics card, hmmhave you gotten the latest drivers?

looks like every free mmorpg

nevermind it worked, uninstalled it already

why? my pc is so shitty i cant see the players, only the landscape. and thats lagging too xD

i wonder how the hell my comptuer can run gta san andreas xD

Satros wrote:
looks like every free mmorpg

This one's a little different, there's this warzone of disputed territory, and you can capture castles and cities and shit with your clan/army.

Cecil wrote:

Satros wrote:
looks like every free mmorpg

This one's a little different, there's this warzone of disputed territory, and you can capture castles and cities and shit with your clan/army.

thats no good if you are a begginer.