Forum / Gaming Discussion / Pre-Skin making

Pre-Skin making

too make good skins is best to know how u want the skin to look b4 u mak it
one technique to make cool and original skins is to paint over pictures of the characters with the colors n such u want in paint before u work o nthe texture

heres is an example of a preskin-design, its jsut a picture of a mongol with color painted over it in paint but it gives me an idea of how i want the skin to look

here is the final version of the textures on the skin 100% done

doing this allows u to getu r ideas out n see how u want the ski nto look in whole befor u start working with textures

This is interesting but I usually make skins when I have ideas or if I have requests people usually know what they want.

yeah i have an idea when im making it but this helps me get the ideas out somewhere b4 i start making so i can refer to sumtihng

Satros wrote:
yeah i have an idea when im making it but this helps me get the ideas out somewhere b4 i start making so i can refer to sumtihng

NO! You're lying! Shut up!

Satros wrote:
too make good skins is best to know how u want the skin to look b4 u mak it
one technique to make cool and original skins is to paint over pictures of the characters with the colors n such u want in paint before u work o nthe texture

heres is an example of a preskin-design, its jsut a picture of a mongol with color painted over it in paint but it gives me an idea of how i want the skin to look

here is the final version of the textures on the skin 100% done

doing this allows u to getu r ideas out n see how u want the ski nto look in whole befor u start working with textures

wtf is this? young man im tired of your spam your going downtown with me

ThuGG wrote:
wtf is this? young man im tired of your spam your going downtown with me

Stop being gay! Noone is going down with you fucka!

how do u edit a skellmesh to use as a player skin ? that all can see without seting the player to that mesh !!

ask sat on msn not on a old old topic

SaDosi wrote:
ask sat on msn not on a old old topic

Why not? I guess it's ok to do that at this section

SaDosi wrote:
ask sat on msn not on a old old topic

Well fine then be that way !!!!

im not sure what your asking if u need a skin tutorial i can give u a link tho

i just wanted to know if it is possible
i was gust thinking of skins i can doo with the skelmesh's
i tryed scripting i ant got the ack for. . IT.