made a RO private sevrer, hope any of u will join hehe, 100% free
a few things: Ro is a mmorpg, sprite style, has good effects, and not bad pvp system and is pretty fun, so join us noobs
some features:
-gvg over castles
-guild castles
-tons of maps, items, monsters and skills
-a ton of jobs/classes(blacksmith,knight,mage,merchant,preist,etc etc)
-very customizible
-ton of npcs
-player houses (maybe)
-ran by war (aka me w/ help from kittie)
how to join the server:
- Install Ragnarok Online [click here and follow what this thread says]
download the data file + client here
extract the folder(Data) and exe(WaRRO) from the rar file
copy both the folder and the exe and paste them into C:/Program Files/Gravity/RO
-copy the exe (WaRRO), right click on your desktop and his paste shortcut
run the exe (click the shortcut), type in an account and pass as follows
the first time you make your account u need to add a _F or _M to the end of ur account name
example : Ragnar_M , for pass put wtv u want for female example : Valk_F
after the first time you creat ur account u will no longer need the _F or _M, so you wuld login as Ragnar or Valk with wtv pass u decided the second time
[If u need help on any of these just ask me, ill be glad to help]
sshots of me and kittie being bored in a town:

satros clones ^^^