Forum / Gaming Discussion / Halo 3 Gametypes

Halo 3 Gametypes

remember when we used to play weird gametypes like pirates n shit? we should do that stuff again, me and my roomate made up a really intense new gametype, i wanna play it, we should all play mmk?

we gotta play some time. mmk go on xbl like the good ole days.

someone send me n xboxxxxx plixxxx :]

we should start playing some halo 3 again, it's the only good xbl game i have. I had GOW 2, but some random pot-buyer stole it at college :-(

DOYLE wrote:
we should start playing some halo 3 again, it's the only good xbl game i have. I had GOW 2, but some random pot-buyer stole it at college :-(

thats gay, war OWNS a gow 2, im sure someone can tell you lol

but yeah, we played some games randmly a week ago, was fun, next time we play ill txt you

Staticgirl wrote:
someone send me n xboxxxxx plixxxx :]

I have an extra 360 laying around. I really do lol but I get the black one.

And we are the best at GOW.


Soon i will have xbox and will own u all at halo :)

Gam3rX wrote:
Soon i will have xbox and will own u all at halo :)

probably lol, lets just say war clan is known more for their antics than their skills lmao :(:3):

this sums it all up

true war ppl are funny hehe
but thugg is just funny lookin