Hey guys Lead and Gold is on sale for $1.50 today on steam. Its like a 3rd person cowboy type shooter. Might be fun for WaR to mess around with as its a team based game and I could see us doing some trolly tactics on it. We will probably have an event in July and this is one of the games we will be playing probably. So I suggest you pick it up TODAY (before July 1st at 1pm Est), cause really who can't afford $1.50?
Buy it here:
TL;DR: Buy it now cause its only $1.50 instead of being left out if we have an event in July and/or will have to buy it at full price($10).
**Also the steam sale is out!**** http://store.steampowered.com/
For those who aren't familiar, two times a year (Winter and Summer) Steam has a week long sale where prices have big discounts for a week long, in addition they also pick a handful of games to be part of a daily sale each day of the week, where games will have even higher discounts. I'll update everyday on the daily sales, but these are the War Clan Recommendations that you should pick up (ill post if one is in the daily sale): (in order of what we are most likely to play / war clan must haves)
*Mount and Blade: Warband * - $20 (Suggested you wait for a daily sale this week, it has been as low as $6 before) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/48700/
*Killing Floor* - $10 (Suggested you wait for the daily sale, has been low as $5 before) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/1250/
*Lead and Gold* - $1.50 - DAILY SALE, TODAY ONLY BUY! - http://store.steampowered.com/app/42120/
*Unreal Tournament 2004* - $7.50 - Doesn't usually go on daily sale so this is probably as low as it will go - http://store.steampowered.com/app/13230/
*Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas* - $10 - Was $2.50 a few days ago, so it probably won't go lower than this, although you can pirate it if you really want to play with WaR if we play it, if it gets low enough its nice to have for the convenience though. http://store.steampowered.com/app/12120/
*Counter-Strike Source* - $13 - Will probably go lower to $5 on a daily sale this week. - http://store.steampowered.com/app/240/